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Theatre Productions


Caramanchel, Don Gil of the Green Britches,

Gate Theatre - London


Richard had the part of Caramanchel in this production of the irreverent, highly farcical comedy for the Gate Theatre. The play contains disguise, mistaken identity, role-reversal....what more could you ask from one play?


The Mayor, The Visit,

National Theatre - Lyttleton


Devised by the Company. Directed by Annabel Arden and Simon McBurney, as co-director, The Visit was Complicite's first existing-text production, establishing their relationship with the Royal National Theatre as a co-production. Richard had the part of the Mayor.


Tello, The Gentleman from Olmedo, Gate Theatre - London


Richard played Tello. Gate Theatre, Notting Hill, London.

Photos © Simon Annand



Father, Street of Crocodiles, Complicite, National Theatre Studio


Based on the Bruno Schultz novel, Theatre de Complicite, in cooperation with the NT studio offered this production with Richard playing the part of "father". The book's characters are unbelievably haunting, despite its complete lack of dialogue.


Levin, Anna Karenina, UK, European &

Far East and World Tours


The Independent from 28 February, 1993 had this to say: 

"There are some stunning set pieces, including a swooningly erotic seduction in which the partners barely touch. The direction, on a stage furnished only with bentwood chairs and an upstage sliding panel, is masterly; but never at the expense of individual performances, which present a mask-like profile (David Fielder's glacial Karenin, Jessica Lloyd's vapidly emotional Kitty) which then shatters under the pressure of feeling. None more so than Richard Hope's irascibly farouche Levin, and Teresa Banham's Anna, a voluptuous black-velvet friend to everyone, who takes her last walk spitting venom at the passers-by. Magnificent."


Jerry, Betrayal, Leeds Playhouse


Richard had the part of the second leading man, Jerry in this Harold Pinter production. The story structure strips away all edifice and shows the very capacity for love itself is sometimes based on betraying not only other loves ones, but even ourselves.


Levin, Anna Karenina, UK,

European & Far East and World Tours



Wolf, The Park, RSC Barbican



The Park by Botho Strauss and is Strauss' take on Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", a collection of fragmented, alienated meetings in a run down park.

Richard's part was that of "Wolf".


Pierre, War and Peace,

National Theatre , Cottesloe


Written by Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace details the lead in to Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families. Richard played the part of Pierre.

Fantastic Review: W&P

War and Peace theatre: Independent Review


Levin, Anna Karenina, UK,

European & Far East and World Tours

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“In my top ten of a lifetime of theatre going” Clive Barnes, New York Post



© 2025 by Richard Hope

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